Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cause I'm Going to Blueberry Fields...

 PoPo, take me to where the blueberries live.

Dear Blueberries,

I'm sorry I cheated on you with those tarty strawberries the other day.

Ok, and maybe again today... but, you are and will continue to be my first love.

Ahhh!  Blue deliciousness!!

Yum, Yum, Yum!

Time to go home and eat the rest of these babies up.

But maybe we make a little pitstop to refuel...

And pay a visit to the sweet peas along the way.

Loving eating straight from the earth,


Sunday, Funday

Dear Dad,

The sun has set on yet another epic day here in OR.  While I sure miss you, trust that I'm filling my days with endless fun and entertainment.  Really just placeholders til you get here.

Today, we went to church in Stayton, and you know what that means...  TIE TIME!  This time paired with shorts and sandals for summer comfort.  Did you know they have a "family room" at the church.  I think that's adult talk for "party time" because me and the kidz were bouncing off the walls in there, eating snacks, slobbering all over the window and making as much noise as we wanted.  Can we go to church every day?

Come on, PoPo.  Church is this way.

Then we went for lunch and coffee, which is adult talk for ICE CREAM.  There's a fun little place called the Coffee Station, a converted gas station with an old-timey wooden ice cream bar.  What fun!  Got some marionberry and took some selfies.  Always fun.

Whut up ICE CREAM!

Whut up SELFIES?

After that, we were off to my girl and my's favorite joint: Costco to stock up on some goodies and beat the heat.  Did you know it reached 98 degrees in Salem yesterday? Whuuut?!  Yeah!

Finally, we hit the road home, where I caught some much needed zzzz's for our next adventures.

Missing you,


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Strawberry Fields, Forever

Dear Strawberries,

You are oh so sweet!  With red juiciness that gets all over my shirt and crunchy seeds that get stuck in my new teeth.  How I love you so!  You're too pretty to go in my bucket and too yummy to save for later, soooo... GET IN MY BELLY, fast as can be.

Bucket, you say?

First, I'll just remove this green stemmy thingy...

Then, I'll smell it just gently...

Then... Opps, it went in my mouth!

Oh well.  If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Bucket?  What bucket?  Time to make a quick get away... 

Yay Fresas!


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gone Clammin'

Dear Goonies,

My West Coast family and I had a supreme heck of a time digging for clams in your neck of the woods.  Netarts Bay to be exact.  Safe to say, I was the only Chunk on the beach that day, and I kept careful watch over what my peeps were doing.  Given we had the lowest tides of the year at -2 ft, we walked away with buckets full and hearts slightly heavy for the souls lost to our shovels.  But boy did they taste good in my omelette!
Clams, here I come!


Backbreaking work put in by my men. 
Dig, men, dig! 

Supervising and watchin some backs. 

Nobody gets past the Chunk, Protector of Clams.

That's right.  Run you heathens!

Let's get to counting...

 ... 96...
Woah! That's a lotta clams!

A whole LOTTA clams!

Three generations of Krautmann Klammers.  Whutz up?!!!
One for you, PoPo.

Off to cook our loot!  Argh, ye sorry souls!
Your Chunk,