Monday, November 12, 2012

Thank you, PoPo!

Dear PoPo,

Momz, Dad and I appreciate all the hard work you put into setting up our stay at the Grand Hyatt in Taipei.  I know you spent sleepless nights and sent countless e-mails to make sure everything was set up just right.  In the end we had amazing meals, particularly breakfast...

Don't we look satisfied after a filling Taiwanese breakfast spread?!

And in between bonding with Gong Gong and the Original PoPo and exploring the city, we settled into cushy beds in our large rooms with views of Taipei 101 and even got to explore the beautiful spa.  It was also very cool to get to see them setting up their holiday decorations, including the HUGE tree that went up in the lobby with all those fun decorations.

And what can I say about the excellent service? Supreme job, ladies!

I hope we can make staying at this wonderful place a new family tradition.

Mad respect,


Saturday, November 10, 2012

My First: Trip to Taiwan

Dear Taipei,

Here I come!!!

Me n Momz rockin' it first-class style.  My own seat - Whut whut!  Off to meet Dad at Narita Airport...

And here he is, in all his Prince Valiant glory.  IOW: Love the hair, Dad.

And after 20 hours, I've successfully brought my family to Taipei.  Check my stamp.

Now off to meet Gong Gong and the Original PoPo.  Can't wait!

The Most Interesting Baby in the World,


Saturday, September 29, 2012


Dear David Meyers,

Do I understand object permanence, or what?

Keepin it cognitive,


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Spiderman's Adventures

Dear Marvel Comics,

I submit for your consideration the following, sure-to-be-a-hit Spiderman storyboard.

All royalties payable in dark chocolate ice cream, and don't tell Momz.

You're welcome in advance,


"OK! You win.  We'll be bothers in peace" YAY!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heaven is a Place on Earth

Dear Heaven,

Momz wants to thank you for the angel.  What do you think she means?

Heaven or the St. Regis?

Peace out,


Monday, September 24, 2012


Querida Tia Ana Ines,

Me encanta el jersey y gorro que me hiciste. Eres una artista de primera categoria. A mi madre tambien le encanta. A ver si asi se le hace mas facil acordarse de mi nombre que siempre me esta llamando "Cuqui" o "Cuquichin" o "Miamor" o "Peanut" . Se le va la oya, de verdad (ya ves que pinta de loca tiene!), asi que agradecemos la ayuda.

Um bico,


Working on the fitness

Dear Popie,

Dad says I'll probably be doing this a lot, so I'd better get an early start. He also said you'd know exactly what I mean.  So I figured I'd take advantage of the sunny day in Bryant Park to get my fitness on.


Making you proud,


Monday, June 4, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My First: Day at Grand Central

Dear Grand Central,

Boy are you busy!!!  Almost got lost weaving around your hall.  Can you see me?

Where's Waldo Jacob?

Here's a hint:  This is what I looked like today.
I was wearing a white shirt and smiling Dad.

One of my favorite adventures had to be exploring the food market.

Dad was psyched to show me around.



Tourists... Oh my!

See you on my next trip,


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Buy, buy!!! Sell, SELL!!!

Dear Gordon,

Some young punk in my play group asked me the other day, "How many yachts can you water ski behind?"  So I decided to suit up and diligence this age-old question myself.

The Double G                                                                           Me

My pursuit led me on a wild ride throughout Manhattan.

Raiding Windsor Castle didn't help; no one's ever there.

Coffee shops (even Bouchon) are for hippies.

Getting warmer...

Finally, SUCCESS!!! Dad had the answer all along:  "Yachts are for sissies, but you can never have too many private jets."

Greed... is good,


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Many Faces of Jake #1

Dear Yale School of Drama,

I submit for your consideration the following...

The "Hm, I Don't Know 'Bout That"

The "Buzz Off"

The "Get Ova Here!"

The "Woah! Wha Just Happened?"

Subtle but effective,


Someone to Watch Over Me

Dear Dad,

Thanks for keeping an eye on us while Mom and I caught some Zzzz's.

Me showin' Moms how it's done.

Your boy,

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monkeying Around

Dear Don Ciccio,

Thanks for letting me take over your blog for the day.  I know you were real busy and all, so I'm happy I could help.

(Zara t-shirt, cords n booties)

Today, you needed no reminding to send your Auntie Sandra a Happy Birthday card.  It lightened her day, which was useful, considering she's now almost through her first trimester with the twins.  

Then it was off to the library, where you gave Mom a hard time, per usual.  What does she expect?  There's too much going on there with all the books and kids and classes and read alongs for us to take a nap, amiright?! 

Finally, it was time to hang with the Abuelos while Moms and Dad attended some HBS thing or another.  The point is, we got to give F n J the download on what's been going on in the BPC.

We sure love ourselves some Abuelos!

Gotta run now.  I have a cool date with the gentle cycle.


Yo' Monkey

MoMa Mia... My First: Trip to the MoMa

Dear Diego,

I had an adventurous day with Moms and Dad peepin' your exhibition at the MoMa.  You sure can draw, and all over the walls... How do you get away with it?  Moms was also super excited to show me the first cubist painting by a dude named Picasso.  He's Spanish, just like half of me, even though my Godfather to be insists he's French.  What's that about?

Mom (excited) and me (not so much) on our way to visit Diego.  Sculpture garden's in the background.

When we made it to your gallery, there was tons of security, but Moms desperately wanted some record of my having been there, so she made Dad do this:
Clandestine snapshot in the Diego exhibit.  Dad got yelled at for having his camera out.

My favorite part was getting to see the sketches and pictures of your Rockefeller Centrer mural that was destroyed over the portrait of Lenin.  You were such a rebel, and chubby, just like me. But, you were married to Frida Kahlo?!  That's super cool!  We saw some of her paintings on the fifth floor.  She loves monkeys!  

After your extensive exhibit, we refueled at the Cafe, which Dad especially needed.

See what I mean?

Seems like Moms was the only one not power napping.

A short rest later, I was ready to go!
She sure loves hugging me.  How you like my hat? Abuelo says it looks like a baturro, an Aragonese hat.

So off we went in search of Picassos...

Is this a Picasso?

Is this a Picasso?

No luck in the beginning, but sure enough, we finally found him!  Mom says I needed a picture with the Demoiselles d'Avignon, regardless of how many security guards chase us.  But thankfully, my cuteness came to the rescue, and they looked the other way, just this one time.  We made sure the flash was off, and Voila!
Dad, me and the Hiz-adies.  "Hellloooo Ladies!"

 That Picasso guy sure seems like he had the life!  Mom says he was a Communist, just like you.  I'm going to have to look into that as soon as I can Google.

Once we were done with Picasso, Dad gave me a flying tour of the remaining painting and sculptures.  Bird's eye view is definitely the way to go when viewing priceless works of art!

And that was that!  My first visit to the MoMa and my first viewing of your work.  What a good time!

Mom says when I'm old enough, we can go to your home country to see your actual originals on real walls.  I can't wait!

Til Mexico City,


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Public Display of Affection

Dear Public,

All I have to say is yummy yummy brunch, cool decor and pretty girls gettin' their eat on...  Yes, please!

From the moment I pulled up to the table and smelled that coffee, I knew this was going to be something special.

Dad had the venison burger with yuca fries and dipping sauces.  We also shared some quinoa hash browns. Heaven!

Moms kept it real with tea-smoked salmon eggs Benedict.  Say wha?!

What more can you ask for?  Reasonable prices, you say?  Done!  So much so, I got to treat Moms and Dad.
This one's on me, Parentals.

Your scrumptious fan,


Saturday, March 3, 2012

My First: Ducks Indoctrination

Dear Chip Kelly,

Dad's told me a lot about you, starting while I was in Mom's tummy.  So, today he was very excited that she finally let him dress me.  Of course, he opted for the sweet sweet Ducks jersey that Auntie Joan Claire and Uncle Dave gifted me.

Dressed up and ready to go, we proceeded to Win the Day...

Dad, super psyched to take me out and throw the ball around. (Nike Ducks onsie, Zara suspender jeans n white onsie)

Mom, getting schooled on how to Win the Day.

Training began in earnest once we made it outside... 

High and tight, just like my Daddy taught me!

Now I can't wait til football season starts.  Til then, we'll keep the spirit alive and continue to WTD every day!!!



Friday, March 2, 2012

Before n After

Dear Mom,

What are you feeding me?!

Your Chunk,


Tummy Time!

Dear Dad,

While you're hard at work at your office, I'm hard at work on my tummy!

Ugh!  My head's sooo heavy!

Best part of tummy time: Finger food!

Love ya,


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year

Dear Julius Caesar and Sosigenes,

In honor of your invention, see below for examples of how I lept today.  Please bear with me, as I'm only a few weeks old, and there's only so much I can do at this point. 

1. My heart lept every time I saw Moms coming to feed me.

2. I lept in my Momaroo, twice.

3. I lept straight into Dad's arms for a little flying action and a nap.

I'm glad my birthyear is marked by this fun quirk.  Let's leap again in four years' time and see how far I've come.

Hope you're enjoying the afterlife,